dscompile assembles preprocessed samples for training and testing
purposes. It accepts a variety of input format, from simple directory
structure to Xml files describing objects bounding boxes (e.g. PASCAL
VOC format). See an example of sample extraction in this
./dscompile <images root> [options]
Output files (datasets/images) are saved by default in the calling
directory or in the directory specified via '-out' option.
The outputs can be saved either as single-file datasets (default) or
individual files for each sample (can be set via '-save' option).
When saving a dataset in single-file mode, the following files are
created (with a dataset named 'ds'):
- ds_data.mat: a matrix of dimensions
(nsamples x nchannels x height x width), with precision determined
by the '-precision' option (default is float).
- ds_labels.mat: a matrix of dimensions (nsamples)
containing the class index of each sample.
- ds_classes.mat: a matrix of dimensions
(nclasses x max class name length) containing the names of each
- Jitter (all kinds):
to add jitter to a dataset, i.e. original images deformed with
translation, scaling or rotations, use the 'jitter' option.
E.g. to add 7 jittered examples for each original input,
randomly chosen among all possible jitters,
with height translation range of 1, width translation range of 2,
3 scale steps in a +/- .2 scale factor range, 5 rotation steps within
a +/- 30 degree range around original orientation:
./dscompile <root> -jitter 1,2,3,.4,5,60,7
- Jitter (rotations):
to add rotation jitter to a dataset,
i.e. original images and rotations of those,
use the 'jitter' option with rotation variables only.
E.g. to add 7 rotated examples for each original input,
randomly chosen among 30 possible angles in a 60 degree range
(step of 2 degrees),
i.e. 30 rotation steps within
a +/- 30 degree range around original orientation:
./dscompile <root> -jitter 0,0,0,0,30,60,7
- Complete example in INRIA pedestrian scripts:
- -type
- regular: compile images labeled by their
top folder name
- patch: extract random (position & scale)
patches from images
- pascal: compile images labeled by xml files
(PASCAL challenge)
- pascalbg: compile background images of PASCAL
- pascalclear: clear objects from original
images of PASCAL challenge
- pascalfull: copy full original PASCAL images
into outdir (allows to exclude some classes, then call regular
- grid: extract non-overlapping cells from each
image. Cell sizes are determined by -gridsz option
- -precision <float(default)|double|ubyte>
- -annotations <directory>
- -image_pattern <pattern>
default: .*[.](png|jpg|jpeg|PNG|JPG|JPEG|bmp|BMP|ppm|PPM|pnm|PNM|pgm|PGM|gif|GIF|mat|MAT)
- -channels <channel>
channels are: RGB (default), YpUV, HSV, Yp (Yp only in YpUV)
- -disp
Display extraction
- -nopp
No preprocessing, i.e. no resizing or conversion.
- -sleep <delay in ms>
Sleep between frame display.
- -shuffle
- -usepose
Separate classes with pose if available.
- -stereo
- -stereo_lpattern <pattern>
- -stereo_rpattern <pattern>
- -outdir <directory (default=images_root)>
- -load <dataset name>
This loads the dataset instead of compiling
it from images found in root.
- -save <dataset(default)|mat|ppm|png|jpg|...>
- -dname <name>
- -maxperclass <integer>
- -maxdata <integer>
- -kernelsz <integer>
- -mexican_hat_size <integer>
- -deformations <integer>
- -dims <dimensions (default: 96x96x3)>
- -mindims <dimensions (default: 1x1)>
Exclude inputs for which one dimension is less than specified.
- -scales <scales (e.g: 1.5,2,4)>
- -bboxfact <float factor>
Multiply bounding boxes by a factor.
- -bboxhfact <float factor>
Multiply bboxes height by a factor.
- -bboxwfact <float factor>
Multiply bboxes width by a factor.
- -bbox_woverh <float factor>
Force w to be h * this factor.
- -resize <mean(default)|gaussian|bilinear>
- -exclude <class name>
Include all but excluded classes,
exclude can be called multiple times.
- -include <class name>
Exclude all but included classes,
include can be called multiple times.
- -useparts
Also extract object parts, e.g. person->(head,hand,foot.
- -partsonly
Only extract object parts, e.g. person->(head,hand,foot.
- -ignore_difficult
Ignore sample if "difficult" flag is on.
- -ignore_truncated
Ignore sample if "truncated" flag is on.
- -ignore_occluded
Ignore sample if "occluded" flag is on.
- -nopadded
Ignore padded image too small for target size.
- -jitter <h>,<w>,<nscales>,<scale range>,
<nrotations>,<rotation range (in degrees)>,<n>
Add n samples randomly jittered from spatial neighborhood hxw,
nscales within scale_range and nrotations within rotation range
around original location/scale)
- -wmirror
Add mirrored sample using vertical-axis symmetry.
- -forcelabel <label name>