meta_comments = "#" meta_max_jobs = 2 # limits the number of jobs running at the same time meta_output_dir = /data/outputs/ # the root path for metarun outputs meta_copy = "src/*" # copy files matching this pattern to job directory meta_name=${name}${sz}_${machine} meta_gnuplot_params="set term postscript enhanced color; set grid ytics;set ytics;set mytics;set grid mytics;set logscale y; set mxtics; set grid xtics; set pointsize 0.5; set key spacing .5;" meta_gnuplot_terminal="postscript" meta_gnuplot_font="Times=6" meta_gnuplot_line="lw .1" #meta_gnuplot_terminal="pdf" # analyze processes output or not. if 0, the meta_trainer will have no notion # of iteration and will only send 1 report at the very end. # if 1, meta_trainer will try to find iteration and other variable values # in each process' output. meta_analyze=0 meta_send_email=1 meta_email=${myemail} # iterations at which to send an email meta_email_iters=0,1,2,3,4,5,7,10,15,20,25,30,40,50 meta_email_period=1 meta_watch_interval=5 # variables to minimize, process and iteration with lowest value will # be used to report best weights, or start consequent training meta_minimize=test_errors_avg,test_energy_avg,test_errors,test_energy,errors,energy,1FPPI,.01FPPI meta_ignore_iter0=0 meta_sticky_vars=config,classes,${meta_job_var} #meta_watch_vars = #job,1FPPI,.01FPPI # restrict variable watching to those meta_watch_vars=${meta_job_var},eta,iteration_minutes,test_overall_errors,train_minutes,i,job,test_errors,errors,test_energy,energy,test_errors_avg,test_energy_avg,test_ucorrect,test_correct,saved meta_nbest=5 meta_send_best=0 meta_send_logs=0 meta_no_conf_id=0 meta_hierarchy=${meta_job_var},i meta_job_var=meta_conf_fullname meta_resolve=backquotes meta_copy_classes=1 meta_timeout=7200 meta_display_all=0