The eblearn tools help to create datasets, train models and run
Their code is located in eblearn/tools/tools/src and binaries are built
into eblearn/bin, and installed on the system with 'make install'.
They can all be compiled by calling 'make tool', or simply 'make'.
Most tools will show a brief help when called without arguments.
Dataset tools
- dscompile:
preprocess and compile images into a dataset ready for training.
- dssplit:
split a dataset in two (e.g. validation and training).
- dsmerge:
merge two datasets into one (e.g. positive and negative datasets).
- dsdisplay:
show samples and labels contained in a dataset.
Training tools
- train:
train a model given a configuration file.
- maketable:
create a table matrix for convolutional connections.
Detection tools
- detect:
find bounding boxes around objects in images given a trained
model (multi-threaded version).
- track:
find and track objects in video inputs given a trained
- stdetect:
single-threaded version of detect.
- mpidetect:
cluster multi-threaded version of detect, using MPI.
Jobs tools
- metarun:
run multiple jobs in parallel or in sequence,
given all possible configurations in a
configuration file with multi-values variables. metarun analyzes
outputs and sends emails with reports and curves at different
iterations. It can also be used with clusters (using MPI).
- metaparse:
parse the output files and directories of metarun, analyze results and
send reports and curves.
Display tools
- matshow:
display images of any type and .mat matrix types. matshow can
show multiple images at the same time. It can also
display weights of a stored model.
Capture tools
- capture:
capture images from camera for training.