ebl::resize_module< T, Tstate > Class Template Reference

#include <ebl_preprocessing.h>

Inheritance diagram for ebl::resize_module< T, Tstate >:
ebl::module_1_1< T, Tstate > ebl::module

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 resize_module (double hratio, double wratio, uint mode=BILINEAR_RESIZE, uint hzpad=0, uint wzpad=0, bool preserve_ratio=false)
 resize_module (intg height, intg width, uint mode=MEAN_RESIZE, uint hzpad=0, uint wzpad=0, bool preserve_ratio=false)
 resize_module (uint mode=MEAN_RESIZE, uint hzpad=0, uint wzpad=0, bool preserve_ratio=false)
virtual ~resize_module ()
void set_dimensions (intg height, intg width)
 sets the desired output dimensions.
void set_input_region (const rect< int > &inr)
void set_output_region (const rect< int > &outr)
void set_jitter (int h, int w, float s, float r)
 Shift output by h and w pixels, multiply scale by s and rotate by r.
void set_zpads (intg hpad, intg wpad)
 Set zero padding on each side for each dimension.
virtual void fprop (Tstate &in, Tstate &out)
 forward propagation from in to out
virtual void bprop (Tstate &in, Tstate &out)
 bprop from in to out
virtual void bbprop (Tstate &in, Tstate &out)
 bbprop from in to out
rect< int > get_original_bbox ()
virtual resize_module< T,
Tstate > * 
copy ()
 Returns a deep copy of this module.
virtual std::string describe ()
 Returns a string describing this module and its parameters.

Detailed Description

template<typename T, class Tstate = bbstate_idx<T>>
class ebl::resize_module< T, Tstate >

Resize the input to the desired output (not preserving aspect ratio by default, see 'preserve_ratio' parameter).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T , class Tstate >
ebl::resize_module< T, Tstate >::resize_module ( double  hratio,
double  wratio,
uint  mode = BILINEAR_RESIZE,
uint  hzpad = 0,
uint  wzpad = 0,
bool  preserve_ratio = false 

This constructor specifies resizing ratio for each dimension instead of fixed target sizes. The default resizing method is bilinear, as as other methods do not currently implement ratio inputs.

heighttarget height for resizing.
widthtarget width for resizing.
hzpadOptional vertical zero-padding is added on each size and taken into account to reach the desired target size.
wzpadOptional horizontal zero-padding is added on each size and taken into account to reach the desired target size.
preserve_ratioIf true, fit the image into target size while keeping aspect ratio, eventual empty areas are filled with zeros.
template<typename T , class Tstate >
ebl::resize_module< T, Tstate >::resize_module ( intg  height,
intg  width,
uint  mode = MEAN_RESIZE,
uint  hzpad = 0,
uint  wzpad = 0,
bool  preserve_ratio = false 


heighttarget height for resizing.
widthtarget width for resizing.
hzpadOptional vertical zero-padding is added on each size and taken into account to reach the desired target size.
wzpadOptional horizontal zero-padding is added on each size and taken into account to reach the desired target size.
preserve_ratioIf true, fit the image into target size while keeping aspect ratio, eventual empty areas are filled with zeros.
template<typename T , class Tstate >
ebl::resize_module< T, Tstate >::resize_module ( uint  mode = MEAN_RESIZE,
uint  hzpad = 0,
uint  wzpad = 0,
bool  preserve_ratio = false 

Constructor without target dimensions. set_dimensions should be called later.

hzpadOptional vertical zero-padding is added on each size and taken into account to reach the desired target size.
wzpadOptional horizontal zero-padding is added on each size and taken into account to reach the desired target size.
preserve_ratioIf true, fit the image into target size while keeping aspect ratio, potential empty areas are filled with zeros.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T , class Tstate >
rect< int > ebl::resize_module< T, Tstate >::get_original_bbox ( )

return the bounding box of the original input in the output coordinate system.

template<typename T , class Tstate >
void ebl::resize_module< T, Tstate >::set_input_region ( const rect< int > &  inr)

set the region to use in the input image. by default, the input region is the entire image.

template<typename T , class Tstate >
void ebl::resize_module< T, Tstate >::set_output_region ( const rect< int > &  outr)

set the region to use in the output image. by default, the output region is the entire size defined by set_dimensions().

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